I always feel invited and supported

I always feel invited and supported
Posted  November 14, 2019

I always feel invited and supported

My story may be very well like others’ and how we share a similar burden. I am sure even with the stress of financial issues we all have our own personal obstacles to overcome in our lives. For 3 years, I have yet to meet the parts of my story that have gone without the support of Eurofins CRL. When I get those calls about upcoming studies I always feel the strength of character in the employees who care about my well-being and in a way, they know in their hearts they are helping us. I am in the midst of dealing with many issues in my life and Eurofins CRL has become a major support relief for me during these battles. I am a Rutgers student and because of that, I have increased financial needs which present more challenges. Thanks to Eurofins CRL I am more able to focus on studies and receive the education that many of us deserve but many of us fall-short of. Because of their care, I have adopted Eurofins CRL as family. They do everything to root for me at each visit. When my fiancée and I find success no matter how big they are our own cheering section. I always feel invited and supported by all the workers I have spoken to. Thank you to the staff, my friends and family.

Kevin C.


Kevin C.

Thanks to Eurofins CRL I am more able to focus on studies and receive the education that many of us deserve.

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