Frequently Asked Questions


A clinical study is a careful plan that involves people like you receiving product treatment under the supervision of the Clinical Research staff. Participants may be asked to use the products once or multiple times while trained evaluators determine how well the product performs, how it reacts with the subject’s body, and how participants feel about the products they are testing. Study requirements, such as the number of visits, vary on a case-by-case basis.

Eurofins CRL’s studies are for males and females ages 18 to 70. Children (6 months – 17 years of age) are eligible if accompanied by a parent or guardian. Certain medical conditions or medications may disqualify you from study participation.

Sign Up

If interested in participating, come to Eurofins CRL with two forms of ID. Accepted forms are a driver’s license or ID with date of birth and Social Security Card or ID with Social Security Number printed on it, such as medical insurance card, payroll check, tax return, etc.
You will then be asked to fill out subject profile form and a W-9 form. Once completed, you will be assigned a Clinical Research Identification Number, and you will be asked to sign a photo release form and a HIPAA Authorization form. A photo will then be taken for your ID card. Be assured, all personal information is kept confidential.

More information is available on our sign up page.

Eurofins CRL asks for your Social Security number for identification purposes, particularly because you will be compensated for participating in our studies. If you earn $600 or more at Eurofins CRL over the course of one calendar year, we are required by law to inform the IRS and we will send you a copy of your W-9 form in the new fiscal year.

Please be assured this information is always kept confidential.


The following are some of Eurofins CRL’s most common types of studies:
• Acne Studies – Subjects determined to have mild to moderate acne will use acne treatments to test the products’ ability to improve skin.
• Anti-aging Studies – Subjects with visible signs of aging (such as fine lines and wrinkles) will test facial scrubs, moisturizers, or facial peel products for effectiveness.
• Patch Studies – Subjects will test personal care/household products placed under adhesive patches on their arms or backs. These patches will be worn for 24-hour or 48-hour time frames to test for irritation or allergic reactions. Most patch studies require short visits with hours between 7:30 am – 7 pm Monday – Friday. (Ex. Dansyl Chloride studies, 24 Hour 6 Week Back Patches)
• Photobiology Studies – Subjects will evaluate the effect of products applied to the skin prior to exposure to artificial sunlight.
• Take Home Studies – Subjects will use a product at home for a specific period of time and complete a diary. All products and diaries must be returned at final visits. Subjects may also be asked to complete an electronic questionnaire at study visits.

Whenever a study lists a specific group of people, it is because the client (company) that requested it requires that particular group to complete the study based on the product’s marketing profile. Other requirements might be a certain skin tone, hair texture or even skin moisture content; it all depends on the client’s particular requirements for any given study.

Aside from our website, up-to-date information about Eurofins CRL studies may be accessed using our voice mail system, available 24 hours a day. For this service, please call (732) 562-1010 ext. 210 or 212 and enter “3” to hear the current list of studies we are recruiting for each week. You can access the full list of current studies here on our website. We also post them to our Facebook page.

You can receive automated Facebook notifications for new studies! Check out our guide here.

The duration of studies can range from one hour on a single day to several weeks. It is also possible to become involved in long term studies which can last anywhere from three months to a year. Participants will be given a schedule listing required visits and instructions for all studies.

View our payment page.

In short, please call us to let us know.
In some instances, rescheduling of appointments may be possible. Some studies, such as patch studies, allow for a missed visit that can be rescheduled with no penalty. If you don’t show up for a study and/or fail to provide sufficient notice, it will be noted in your file as a “no show”. After three such instances, you may incur a six month suspension or loss of privilege for participating in future studies. It is your responsibility to make each and every appointment required for the study.

Participants are free to drop from any study, for any reason, at any time. Since incomplete data cannot be used, Eurofins CRL asks that interested parties fully contemplate the study and its requirements prior to enrollment. If a participant drops from a study without fulfilling the commitment to complete, it may impact his or her privilege of participating in another study.


Clinical Research Labs offers Fundraising Opportunities to Sororities, Fraternities, Church Groups, PTA’s, Marching Bands and all Athletic Groups to help earn money for your organization without the inconvenience of selling door-to-door or asking friends or coworkers to purchase merchandise. Contact us at for details.

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