As a full-time mom with a ten month-old baby boy, making ends meet can be quite hard. The cost of formula, diapers, and baby food alone can be overwhelming. Making time to spend with my precious baby boy is very important to me.
When I learned about Eurofins CRL, I found the perfect way to be with my son and still have the opportunity to help pay for baby necessities. Both me and my baby are able to work on studies and make money at the same time! The people who work at Eurofins CRL are so nice and welcoming. They make the experience an even better one. The studies are simple and do not consume a lot of your time. I can’t think of a better way to make money than here at Eurofins CRL.
My story may be very well like others’ and how we share a similar burden. I am sure even with the stress of financial issues we all have our own personal obstacles to overcome in our lives. For 3 years, I have yet to meet the parts of my story that have gone without the support of Eurofins CRL.
When I get those calls about upcoming studies I always feel the strength of character in the employees who care about my well-being and in a way, they know in their hearts they are helping us. I am in the midst of dealing with many issues in my life and Eurofins CRL has become a major support relief for me during these battles. I am a Rutgers student and because of that, I have increased financial needs which present more challenges. Thanks to Eurofins CRL I am more able to focus on studies and receive the education that many of us deserve but many of us fall-short of.
Because of their care, I have adopted Eurofins CRL as family. They do everything to root for me at each visit. When my fiancée and I find success no matter how big they are our own cheering section. I always feel invited and supported by all the workers I have spoken to. Thank you to the staff, my friends and family.
I am not making very much money at my job and my Dad is helping me pay my bills.
I love doing studies at Eurofins CRL. It helps pay these bills, plus I can use the money I earn for things like family events and day trips. In the summer time I go to carnivals and Plays in the Park in Edison. Study income also pays for lunch and dinner out, plus Christmas, birthday and anniversary gifts.
The products help my skin, hair, and eyes. I love the weight loss studies too because they actually do help me lose weight.